Thursday, 20 October 2016

Group Chat Messaging

Our Inspiration - Nicky Romero

We have chosen to use this as our inspiration due to the use of the costumes, mainly the masks, also the editing matching the beat of the song. Furthermore it is quite a visually pleasing music video and doesn't follow a similar structure to that of most other music videos, by the same token we think it would be very interesting to try an idea similar to the masks and attempt to make it as visually pleasing as this one.

Friday, 7 October 2016

History of They Don't Know

Twitter Poll & Song Decision

Mood Board of the Groups Initial Ideas

Codes and Conventions of the Dance/House Genre

Representation of Gender

Representation of Ethnicity

Representation of Age

Representation of Sexuality

Wednesday, 5 October 2016


Create your own user feedback survey

Sunday, 2 October 2016

Blogger App

Ben, Sam, David and Alfie have downloaded the Blogger App so that we can view our blog at any point of the day. This enables us to check the blog on the move which would help us when we unsure what posts have been completed and which ones haven't. I personally use the Blogger app to upload posts and pictures, i believe this is easier for us a team because it would be quicker for us to upload a post on our mobile device instead of using a computer or laptop.